To pay tribute to the outstanding achievements of Michael Somogyi (1883-1971), the Hungarian Diabetes Association established the international SOMOGYI AWARD in 2002. The award is given in relation to research – clinical or experimental – for the better understanding of hypoglycemia in diabetic patients.
Members of the EASD are invited to submit nominations for the 2014 Somogyi Award. Nominations comprising CV, list of the candidate’s publications and reprints of the most prestigious original publications in the field of hypoglycemia in diabetes (in electronic format) should be sent to the president of the Hungarian Diabetes Association via e-mail (
barkail@t-online.hu) not later than 31 October 2013. The recipient of the 2014 award will be selected from the applicants by the executive board of the Association by 30 November 2013.
The 2014 Somogyi Award (diploma with an honorarium) will be handed over at the biannual meeting of the Association (Szeged, 24-27th April 2014). The winner is asked to present a lecture, participate in the Meet the Expert session and write a concise review (to be published in Diabetologia Hungarica) based on the Award lecture.
Previous awardees include Brian Frier, Geremia Bolli, Simon Heller, Thomas Pieber and Bernd Schultes
Professor László Barkai
President of the Hungarian Diabetes Association