A.G. Tabák Tuesday, 28 September 2021 11:30 - 13:00 London Hall - Many faces of diabetic pregnancy
prof. P. Kempler Thursday, 30 September 2021 10:00–12:00 Berlin Hall – Neurodiab Symposium
Abstract Review Committee tag:
A.G. Tabák
Szóbeli előadás:
J.F. Schaarup, M.S. Christensen, A. Hulman, L. Bjerg, C.S. Hansen, D. Vistisen, A.G. Tabák, D.R. Witte (Denmark, UK, Hungary): Autonomic dysfunction is associated with the development of arterial stiffness: the Whitehall II cohort (63)
Tuesday, 28 September 13:15–14:45 Barcelona Hall
Rövid, szóbeli diszkusszió:
C. Hansen, G.S. Andersen, M. Malik, D.R. Witte, E.J. Brunner, A.G. Tabák, M. Kivimäki, D. Vistisen (Denmark, UK, Hungary) Five-year change in body composition is related to heart rate but not related to autonomic dysfunction in The Whitehall II study.
Short Oral Discussion Event A, September 28, Tuesday, 11:30 - 13:00
M. Káplár, R. Esze, L. Rajnai, Z. Képes, S. Somodi, M. Emri, I. Garai (Hungary): Cerebral and peripheral microcirculation in type 2 diabetes and obesity, influence of neuropathy and C-peptide (647)
Short Oral Discussion Event B, Tuesday, 13:15–14:45 – SO 56 Looking at the brain and its function
R. Esze, L. Rajnai, L. Balkay, Z. Képes, S. Somodi, M. Emri, I. Garai, M. Káplár (Hungary): The role of visceral and subcutaneous adipose tissue distribution determined by CT in the development of subclinical atherosclerosis in type 2 diabetes and obesity (663)
Short Oral Discussion Event E, Thursday, 11:45–13:15 – SO 59 Vascular complications: mechanisms and risk factors
Szimpózium előadás:
A. Körei (Hungary): Do we still need all five standard tests in the diagnosis of cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy?
Thursday, 30 September 2021 10:00–12:00 Berlin Hall – Neurodiab Symposium
AG Tabák (Hungary): How come not every patient with diabetes develops vascular complications? EASD/EASC Symposium, Thursday 10:30 - 11:00 Paris Hall
A regisztrált résztvevők 2021 október 31-ig igény szerint hozzáférhetnek az előadások/szekciók felvételeihez az https://www.easd.org/ honlapon.
Gratulálunk a sikeres részvételhez!
Béki János, dr. Várkonyi Tamás